MiPhoneManager: English translation


I've changed my MiPhoneManager (v1.0.4.5271) to English by copying the translations from the translated DLL on the MIUI forums over to the new DLL.

You can grab it here.

Go to your install path and replace "Chinese.dll" with the one you downloaded. The install path is usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Xiaomi\MiPhoneManager"





Steam: Error copying SteamNew.exe to Steam.exe failed


Steam.exe (main exception): ERROR: copying SteamNew.exe to Steam.exe failed, Win32 Error 32 "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

steam error

Again, brand new Windows 7 setup and after grabbing the installer from Steam's website, I get this crap.

Problem was easily solved though. Rather than trying to run Steam from the shortcut again, go to your Steam folder and run "SteamNew.exe".

It'll run the new updater and let it finish. Once it's done, you can resume using the usual Steam shortcuts.


Windows Live Writer: Fix Error hr:0x80070643 during install

Well it's a brand new Windows 7 x64 setup and after running the installer from Microsoft's website, I got this error.

To fix it, grab the latest version of the .NET framework from Microsoft's website. I downloaded 4.5 and it fixed the installer.

You can get the link to the latest version on the right hand side column.


So seriously, what the hell? It says during the installer that it'd install .NET for me! After the release of Windows 7, they've really dropped the ball on quality!



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