Android: FaceDetector error - Return 0 faces because error exists in btk_FaceFinder_putDCR


The hell? Such a vague error message!

All you really needed to say is that the width of the image must be even, as (not so clearly) stated by the documentation.

Once that's worked out you should be getting faces again.

public FaceDetector (int width, int height, int maxFaces)

Creates a FaceDetector, configured with the size of the images to be analysed and the maximum number of faces that can be detected. These parameters cannot be changed once the object is constructed. Note that the width of the image must be even.


the width of the image

the height of the image

the maximum number of faces to identify

It's all about getting the right face.


How to root a Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini GT-i8190


The SGS3 Mini that I'm rooting is currently running Android 4.1.2 (build I8190XXAMA2) stock firmware.

If you have a model other than i8190 such as i8190N, or 8190L, check out the "Root and Install CWM Recovery on Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini GT-I8190, GT-I8190N & GT-8190L" tutorial over at DroidViews.

I like this method as it does NOT wipe your phone, so no data is lost. Backing things up is completely optional, but still recommended in case things go belly up.


Make sure your phone is fully charged. While you're waiting, download the required files below.


Rooting good time

  • Extract the zip archives.
  • Run Odin3 v3.04.exe
  • Click the "PDA" button and select "I8190XXAMA2_rooted.tar.md5" you extracted from the other archive


  • Turn off the phone
  • Put it into download mode by holding Volume Down + Home + Power until it turns on
  • Plug in your phone and wait for the "ID:COM" field to turn blue


  • Take a quick look to make sure "Re-partition" is NOT ticked
  • Click on "Start" and wait for it to finish.
  • It phone should restart on it's own once ready.
  • Allow it time to do what it needs to do.
  • Once you're back into the phone, the superuser app should be in your app drawer!


Images are from Tyxerakias on XDA

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