If you're not familiar with the problem yet, have a look at the comic below.
Come along redacted's XKCD-password-generator which turns this into a Python-module reality for us to easily plug into our code.
And in your code:
xkcd_password.generate_xkcdpassword(mywords, n_words
, delim
This is all fine and very easy to use. However, there is a small catch.
Believe it or not, this is a combination that is possible with the default dictionary.
By using the default password file supplied by 12Dicts in the function locate_wordfile(), you are potentially including swear words and religious references. The potential mix of these and regular words CAN be offensive, especially when you're automatically generating these for users and sending them out blindly.
Depending on how this code is used, the recent events at Charlie Hebdo's office in Paris is a good motivation to make sure watch your words.
When random words suddenly have meaning...
Here's one I prepared earlier
I spent about 2 days scanning the file for potentially offensive words. I've taken out as many words as I could relating to the following categories:
- religion
- swearing
- sex and sexual connotations
- drugs
- health and/or disease related words
- violence
- names of people or countries
Since it was a horribly mundane task, I'm sure I've missed some. If you find some, please let me know by leaving a comment below.
For those inclined to download and run, you can grab a cleansed password file from github.
Then fix the code to use your own file:
# Previously xkcd_password.locate_wordfile()
xkcd_password.generate_xkcdpassword(mywords, n_words
, delim
I've provided a patch/diff file for the words I've removed.
diff --git a/passwords.txt b/passwords.txt | |
index 2b48d2e..d8d09d3 100644 | |
--- a/passwords.txt | |
+++ b/passwords.txt | |
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ ABC | |
ABC's | |
AC | |
ACT | |
-AIDS | |
AM | |
ASAP | |
ATM | |
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ Advent | |
Africa | |
African | |
African-American | |
-Allah | |
America | |
American | |
Americana | |
@@ -39,8 +37,6 @@ Antarctica | |
Apr. | |
April | |
Aquarius | |
-Arab | |
-Arabic | |
Arctic | |
Aries | |
Asia | |
@@ -61,18 +57,12 @@ B.S. | |
BBQ | |
BS | |
Band-Aid | |
-Baptist | |
-Bible | |
-Black | |
Blvd. | |
Braille | |
Britain | |
British | |
Brownie | |
Brownies | |
-Buddha | |
-Buddhism | |
-Buddhist | |
C | |
C-section | |
C.O.D. | |
@@ -84,22 +74,16 @@ COLA | |
CPA | |
Cabinet | |
Canadian | |
-Cancer | |
Cantonese | |
Capitol | |
Capricorn | |
Caribbean | |
Catch-22 | |
-Catholic | |
-Catholicism | |
Caucasian | |
Celsius | |
Chicano | |
Chinatown | |
Chinese | |
-Christ | |
-Christian | |
-Christianity | |
Christmas | |
Co. | |
Coca-Cola | |
@@ -157,7 +141,6 @@ Fri. | |
Friday | |
Frisbee | |
G | |
-G-string | |
GED | |
GI | |
GMAT | |
@@ -166,24 +149,16 @@ GOP | |
GPA | |
Gemini | |
Gen. | |
-German | |
-God | |
Gospel | |
Grammy | |
Greek | |
H | |
-H-bomb | |
-HIV | |
HMO | |
HQ | |
Halloween | |
-Hanukkah | |
Highness | |
-Hindu | |
-Hinduism | |
Hispanic | |
Hollywood | |
-Holocaust | |
House | |
I | |
I'd | |
@@ -202,8 +177,6 @@ Indian | |
Internet | |
Inuit | |
Irish | |
-Islam | |
-Islamic | |
Italian | |
J | |
Jacuzzi | |
@@ -212,11 +185,7 @@ January | |
Japanese | |
Jeep | |
Jell-O | |
-Jesus | |
-Jew | |
-Jewish | |
Jr. | |
-Judaism | |
Jul. | |
July | |
Jun. | |
@@ -226,20 +195,16 @@ Jupiter | |
K | |
KO | |
Kleenex | |
-Koran | |
Korean | |
-Kwanzaa | |
L | |
LSD | |
Latin | |
Latina | |
Latino | |
Laundromat | |
-Lent | |
Leo | |
Libra | |
Ln. | |
-Lord | |
Lutheran | |
M | |
M.A. | |
@@ -263,27 +228,21 @@ Mass | |
May | |
McCoy | |
Mecca | |
-Medicaid | |
Medicare | |
Mediterranean | |
Mercury | |
-Messiah | |
Messrs. | |
-Methodist | |
Mexican | |
Midwest | |
Midwestern | |
Miss | |
Mon. | |
Monday | |
-Mormon | |
Mount | |
Mr. | |
Mrs. | |
Ms. | |
Mt. | |
-Muhammad | |
-Muslim | |
Muzak | |
N | |
NASA | |
@@ -294,7 +253,6 @@ NE | |
NFL | |
NHL | |
NW | |
-Negro | |
Neptune | |
Nov. | |
November | |
@@ -338,7 +296,6 @@ Polish | |
Pope | |
Popsicle | |
Portuguese | |
-Presbyterian | |
President | |
Prof. | |
Prohibition | |
@@ -355,7 +312,6 @@ ROM | |
ROTC | |
RSVP | |
RV | |
-Ramadan | |
Rd. | |
Realtor | |
Renaissance | |
@@ -368,7 +324,6 @@ Reverend | |
Rollerblade | |
Roman | |
Rte. | |
-Russian | |
S | |
S.O.B. | |
SASE | |
@@ -376,11 +331,9 @@ SAT | |
SE | |
SOS | |
SW | |
-Sabbath | |
Sagittarius | |
Santa | |
Sat. | |
-Satan | |
Saturday | |
Saturn | |
Savior | |
@@ -399,10 +352,7 @@ Senior | |
Sept. | |
September | |
Sgt. | |
-Sikh | |
-Sikhism | |
Sister | |
-Soviet | |
Spanish | |
Spartan | |
Sq. | |
@@ -462,12 +412,10 @@ Western | |
Westerner | |
White | |
X | |
-X-rated | |
XL | |
Xerox | |
Xmas | |
Y | |
-YMCA | |
YWCA | |
Yank | |
Yankee | |
@@ -559,14 +507,7 @@ abominable | |
abominably | |
abominate | |
abomination | |
-aboriginal | |
-aborigine | |
aborning | |
-abort | |
-abortion | |
-abortionist | |
-abortive | |
-abortively | |
abound | |
about | |
about-face | |
@@ -651,11 +592,6 @@ absurdness | |
abundance | |
abundant | |
abundantly | |
-abuse | |
-abuser | |
-abusive | |
-abusively | |
-abusiveness | |
abut | |
abutment | |
abuzz | |
@@ -1021,15 +957,10 @@ adsorption | |
adulate | |
adulation | |
adulator | |
-adulatory | |
adult | |
adulterant | |
adulterate | |
adulteration | |
-adulterer | |
-adulteress | |
-adulterous | |
-adultery | |
adulthood | |
adumbrate | |
adumbration | |
@@ -1111,8 +1042,6 @@ afar | |
affability | |
affable | |
affably | |
-affair | |
-affairs | |
affect | |
affectation | |
affected | |
@@ -1146,7 +1075,6 @@ afforest | |
afforestation | |
affray | |
affront | |
-afghan | |
aficionado | |
afield | |
afire | |
@@ -1355,9 +1283,6 @@ albuminous | |
alchemist | |
alchemy | |
alcohol | |
-alcoholic | |
-alcoholically | |
-alcoholism | |
alcove | |
alder | |
alderman | |
@@ -1552,11 +1477,6 @@ amaranth | |
amaretto | |
amaryllis | |
amass | |
-amateur | |
-amateurish | |
-amateurishly | |
-amateurishness | |
-amateurism | |
amatory | |
amaze | |
amazed | |
@@ -1666,7 +1586,6 @@ amp | |
amperage | |
ampere | |
ampersand | |
-amphetamine | |
amphibian | |
amphibious | |
amphibiously | |
@@ -1683,9 +1602,6 @@ amply | |
ampoule | |
ampul | |
ampule | |
-amputate | |
-amputation | |
-amputee | |
amuck | |
amulet | |
amuse | |
@@ -1706,10 +1622,8 @@ anaerobically | |
anaesthesia | |
anaesthetic | |
anagram | |
-anal | |
analgesia | |
analgesic | |
-anally | |
analog | |
analogical | |
analogically | |
@@ -1934,15 +1848,12 @@ anti-Semitism | |
anti-imperialism | |
anti-imperialist | |
anti-intellectual | |
-antiabortion | |
-antiabortionist | |
antiaircraft | |
antibacterial | |
antibiotic | |
antibody | |
antic | |
anticancer | |
-antichrist | |
anticipate | |
anticipation | |
anticipatory | |
@@ -1952,15 +1863,11 @@ anticlimactically | |
anticlimax | |
anticline | |
anticoagulant | |
-anticommunism | |
-anticommunist | |
antics | |
anticyclone | |
anticyclonic | |
-antidemocratic | |
antidepressant | |
antidote | |
-antifascist | |
antifreeze | |
antigen | |
antigenic | |
@@ -2007,7 +1914,6 @@ antisepsis | |
antiseptic | |
antiseptically | |
antiserum | |
-antislavery | |
antisocial | |
antisocially | |
antispasmodic | |
@@ -2028,7 +1934,6 @@ antlered | |
antonym | |
antonymous | |
antsy | |
-anus | |
anvil | |
anxiety | |
anxious | |
@@ -2374,8 +2279,6 @@ aromatically | |
arose | |
around | |
around-the-clock | |
-arousal | |
-arouse | |
arpeggio | |
arraign | |
arraignment | |
@@ -2392,19 +2295,12 @@ arrhythmia | |
arrhythmic | |
arrival | |
arrive | |
-arrogance | |
-arrogant | |
-arrogantly | |
-arrogate | |
-arrogation | |
arrow | |
arrowhead | |
arrowroot | |
arroyo | |
arsenal | |
arsenic | |
-arson | |
-arsonist | |
art | |
artefact | |
arterial | |
@@ -2518,7 +2414,6 @@ aspirator | |
aspire | |
aspirin | |
aspiring | |
-ass | |
assail | |
assailable | |
assailant | |
@@ -2547,7 +2442,6 @@ asset | |
assets | |
asseverate | |
asseveration | |
-asshole | |
assiduity | |
assiduous | |
assiduously | |
@@ -2649,9 +2543,6 @@ ataxia | |
ataxic | |
ate | |
atelier | |
-atheism | |
-atheist | |
-atheistic | |
atherosclerosis | |
athirst | |
athlete | |
@@ -2814,8 +2705,6 @@ authority | |
authorization | |
authorize | |
authorship | |
-autism | |
-autistic | |
auto | |
autobahn | |
autobiographer | |
@@ -2951,7 +2840,6 @@ b | |
baa | |
babble | |
babbler | |
-babe | |
babel | |
baboon | |
babushka | |
@@ -3130,7 +3018,6 @@ ballpark | |
ballplayer | |
ballpoint | |
ballroom | |
-balls | |
ballsy | |
ballyhoo | |
balm | |
@@ -3203,11 +3090,6 @@ banteringly | |
banyan | |
banzai | |
baobab | |
-baptism | |
-baptismal | |
-baptistery | |
-baptize | |
-baptizer | |
bar | |
barb | |
barbarian | |
@@ -3231,7 +3113,6 @@ barcarole | |
bard | |
bardic | |
bare | |
-bare-assed | |
bare-bones | |
bareback | |
barefaced | |
@@ -3341,10 +3222,6 @@ bassoon | |
bassoonist | |
basswood | |
bast | |
-bastard | |
-bastardization | |
-bastardize | |
-bastardy | |
baste | |
baster | |
bastion | |
@@ -3577,7 +3454,6 @@ behavioral | |
behaviorally | |
behaviorism | |
behaviorist | |
-behead | |
beheld | |
behemoth | |
behest | |
@@ -3727,8 +3603,6 @@ bespoken | |
best | |
best-selling | |
bestial | |
-bestiality | |
-bestially | |
bestiary | |
bestir | |
bestow | |
@@ -3783,7 +3657,6 @@ bewitchment | |
bey | |
beyond | |
bezel | |
-bi | |
biannual | |
biannually | |
bias | |
@@ -3968,9 +3841,6 @@ biscuit | |
bisect | |
bisection | |
bisector | |
-bisexual | |
-bisexuality | |
-bisexually | |
bishop | |
bishopric | |
bismuth | |
@@ -3978,10 +3848,6 @@ bison | |
bisque | |
bistro | |
bit | |
-bitch | |
-bitchily | |
-bitchiness | |
-bitchy | |
bite | |
bite-size | |
biter | |
@@ -4579,7 +4445,6 @@ boyishly | |
boyishness | |
boysenberry | |
bozo | |
-bra | |
brace | |
bracelet | |
bracer | |
@@ -4602,7 +4467,6 @@ braided | |
braiding | |
braille | |
brain | |
-brain-dead | |
brainchild | |
brainchildren | |
braininess | |
@@ -4689,7 +4553,6 @@ breakthrough | |
breakup | |
breakwater | |
bream | |
-breast | |
breast-fed | |
breast-feed | |
breastbone | |
@@ -4863,7 +4726,6 @@ brooklet | |
broom | |
broomstick | |
broth | |
-brothel | |
brother | |
brother-in-law | |
brotherhood | |
@@ -4909,10 +4771,6 @@ brusque | |
brusquely | |
brusqueness | |
brutal | |
-brutality | |
-brutalization | |
-brutalize | |
-brutally | |
brute | |
brutish | |
brutishly | |
@@ -5009,13 +4867,10 @@ bullishness | |
bullock | |
bullpen | |
bullring | |
-bullshit | |
-bullshitter | |
bully | |
bulrush | |
bulwark | |
bulwarks | |
-bum | |
bumble | |
bumblebee | |
bumbler | |
@@ -5146,7 +5001,6 @@ busted | |
buster | |
bustle | |
bustling | |
-busty | |
busy | |
busybody | |
busyness | |
@@ -5157,7 +5011,6 @@ butch | |
butcher | |
butchery | |
butler | |
-butt | |
butte | |
butter | |
butterball | |
@@ -5170,8 +5023,6 @@ buttermilk | |
butternut | |
butterscotch | |
buttery | |
-buttock | |
-buttocks | |
button | |
button-down | |
buttonhole | |
@@ -5416,8 +5267,6 @@ cancan | |
cancel | |
canceler | |
cancellation | |
-cancer | |
-cancerous | |
candelabra | |
candelabrum | |
candid | |
@@ -5820,8 +5669,6 @@ catheter | |
catheterize | |
cathode | |
cathodic | |
-catholic | |
-catholicity | |
cation | |
catkin | |
catlike | |
@@ -6016,9 +5863,6 @@ certified | |
certify | |
certitude | |
cerulean | |
-cervical | |
-cervices | |
-cervix | |
cesarean | |
cesium | |
cessation | |
@@ -6478,10 +6322,6 @@ chump | |
chunk | |
chunkiness | |
chunky | |
-church | |
-churchgoer | |
-churchgoing | |
-churchman | |
churchwarden | |
churchyard | |
churl | |
@@ -6538,8 +6378,6 @@ circularly | |
circulate | |
circulation | |
circulatory | |
-circumcise | |
-circumcision | |
circumference | |
circumferential | |
circumflex | |
@@ -6693,7 +6531,6 @@ clearly | |
clearness | |
cleat | |
cleats | |
-cleavage | |
cleave | |
cleaver | |
clef | |
@@ -6765,9 +6602,6 @@ cliquey | |
cliquish | |
cliquishly | |
cliquishness | |
-clitoral | |
-clitorides | |
-clitoris | |
cloaca | |
cloacae | |
cloak | |
@@ -6904,7 +6738,6 @@ cobra | |
cobweb | |
cobwebby | |
coca | |
-cocaine | |
cocci | |
coccus | |
coccyges | |
@@ -6913,7 +6746,6 @@ cochineal | |
cochlea | |
cochleae | |
cochlear | |
-cock | |
cock-a-doodle-doo | |
cockade | |
cockamamie | |
@@ -7286,9 +7118,6 @@ communicative | |
communicator | |
communion | |
communique | |
-communism | |
-communist | |
-communistic | |
community | |
commutation | |
commutative | |
@@ -7463,7 +7292,6 @@ concentration | |
concentric | |
concentrically | |
concept | |
-conception | |
conceptional | |
conceptual | |
conceptualization | |
@@ -7548,7 +7376,6 @@ conditions | |
condo | |
condole | |
condolence | |
-condom | |
condominium | |
condone | |
condor | |
@@ -8699,9 +8526,6 @@ crosier | |
cross | |
cross-country | |
cross-cultural | |
-cross-dress | |
-cross-dresser | |
-cross-dressing | |
cross-examination | |
cross-examine | |
cross-examiner | |
@@ -8748,7 +8572,6 @@ crossways | |
crosswind | |
crosswise | |
crossword | |
-crotch | |
crotchet | |
crotchety | |
crouch | |
@@ -8844,8 +8667,6 @@ cubicle | |
cubism | |
cubist | |
cubit | |
-cuckold | |
-cuckoldry | |
cuckoo | |
cucumber | |
cud | |
@@ -8882,7 +8703,6 @@ culturally | |
culture | |
cultured | |
culvert | |
-cum | |
cumber | |
cumbersome | |
cumbersomeness | |
@@ -8895,10 +8715,8 @@ cumuli | |
cumulonimbus | |
cumulus | |
cuneiform | |
-cunnilingus | |
cunning | |
cunningly | |
-cunt | |
cup | |
cupboard | |
cupcake | |
@@ -9077,8 +8895,6 @@ dachshund | |
dactyl | |
dactylic | |
dad | |
-dadaism | |
-dadaist | |
daddy | |
daddy-longlegs | |
dado | |
@@ -9118,14 +8934,6 @@ damages | |
damaging | |
damask | |
dame | |
-dammit | |
-damn | |
-damnable | |
-damnably | |
-damnation | |
-damned | |
-damnedest | |
-damning | |
damp | |
damp-dry | |
dampen | |
@@ -9292,10 +9100,6 @@ debatable | |
debate | |
debater | |
debating | |
-debauch | |
-debauched | |
-debauchee | |
-debauchery | |
debenture | |
debilitate | |
debilitating | |
@@ -9328,9 +9132,6 @@ decamp | |
decampment | |
decant | |
decanter | |
-decapitate | |
-decapitation | |
-decapitator | |
decathlon | |
decay | |
decease | |
@@ -9700,13 +9501,6 @@ demographics | |
demography | |
demolish | |
demolition | |
-demon | |
-demonetization | |
-demonetize | |
-demoniac | |
-demoniacal | |
-demoniacally | |
-demonic | |
demonology | |
demonstrable | |
demonstrably | |
@@ -10069,8 +9863,6 @@ deviant | |
deviate | |
deviation | |
device | |
-devil | |
-devil-may-care | |
deviled | |
devilish | |
devilishly | |
@@ -10112,8 +9904,6 @@ dextrose | |
dextrous | |
dhoti | |
dhow | |
-diabetes | |
-diabetic | |
diabolic | |
diabolical | |
diabolically | |
@@ -10174,10 +9964,6 @@ dice | |
dicey | |
dichotomous | |
dichotomy | |
-dick | |
-dicker | |
-dickey | |
-dicky | |
dicotyledon | |
dicotyledonous | |
dicta | |
@@ -10635,8 +10421,6 @@ dismally | |
dismantle | |
dismantlement | |
dismay | |
-dismember | |
-dismemberment | |
dismiss | |
dismissal | |
dismissive | |
@@ -10892,10 +10676,6 @@ divisive | |
divisively | |
divisiveness | |
divisor | |
-divorce | |
-divorced | |
-divorcee | |
-divorcement | |
divot | |
divulge | |
divvy | |
@@ -11363,9 +11143,6 @@ drubber | |
drubbing | |
drudge | |
drudgery | |
-drug | |
-druggie | |
-druggist | |
drugstore | |
druid | |
druidism | |
@@ -11374,11 +11151,6 @@ drumbeat | |
drumlin | |
drummer | |
drumstick | |
-drunk | |
-drunkard | |
-drunken | |
-drunkenly | |
-drunkenness | |
drupe | |
druthers | |
dry | |
@@ -11805,9 +11577,6 @@ eightieth | |
eighty | |
einsteinium | |
either | |
-ejaculate | |
-ejaculation | |
-ejaculatory | |
eject | |
ejection | |
ejector | |
@@ -12498,12 +12267,6 @@ eraser | |
erasure | |
erbium | |
ere | |
-erect | |
-erectile | |
-erection | |
-erectly | |
-erectness | |
-erector | |
erelong | |
eremite | |
erg | |
@@ -12519,10 +12282,6 @@ erodible | |
erogenous | |
erosion | |
erosive | |
-erotic | |
-erotica | |
-erotically | |
-eroticism | |
err | |
errand | |
errant | |
@@ -12606,7 +12365,6 @@ estimator | |
estrange | |
estranged | |
estrangement | |
-estrogen | |
estrous | |
estrus | |
estuary | |
@@ -12624,13 +12382,6 @@ ethanol | |
ether | |
ethereal | |
ethereally | |
-ethic | |
-ethical | |
-ethically | |
-ethics | |
-ethnic | |
-ethnically | |
-ethnicity | |
ethnocentric | |
ethnocentrism | |
ethnological | |
@@ -12670,15 +12421,9 @@ euphemistically | |
euphonious | |
euphoniously | |
euphony | |
-euphoria | |
-euphoric | |
-euphorically | |
eureka | |
euro | |
europium | |
-euthanasia | |
-euthanize | |
-euthenics | |
evacuate | |
evacuation | |
evacuee | |
@@ -12739,12 +12484,6 @@ eviction | |
evidence | |
evident | |
evidently | |
-evil | |
-evil-minded | |
-evildoer | |
-evildoing | |
-evilly | |
-evilness | |
evince | |
eviscerate | |
evisceration | |
@@ -12839,14 +12578,6 @@ excommunicate | |
excommunication | |
excoriate | |
excoriation | |
-excrement | |
-excremental | |
-excrescence | |
-excrescent | |
-excreta | |
-excrete | |
-excretion | |
-excretory | |
excruciating | |
excruciatingly | |
exculpate | |
@@ -13037,8 +12768,6 @@ export | |
exportable | |
exportation | |
exporter | |
-expose | |
-exposed | |
exposition | |
expositor | |
expository | |
@@ -13122,7 +12851,6 @@ extraditable | |
extradite | |
extradition | |
extralegal | |
-extramarital | |
extramural | |
extraneous | |
extraneously | |
@@ -13143,7 +12871,6 @@ extreme | |
extremely | |
extremeness | |
extremism | |
-extremist | |
extremities | |
extremity | |
extricable | |
@@ -13220,8 +12947,6 @@ facet | |
facetious | |
facetiously | |
facetiousness | |
-facial | |
-facially | |
facile | |
facilely | |
facilitate | |
@@ -13251,10 +12976,6 @@ faddish | |
faddist | |
fade | |
faerie | |
-fag | |
-faggot | |
-fagot | |
-fagoting | |
faience | |
fail | |
fail-safe | |
@@ -13564,7 +13285,6 @@ felicitously | |
felicity | |
feline | |
fell | |
-fellatio | |
fellow | |
fellowman | |
fellowship | |
@@ -13815,7 +13535,6 @@ finesse | |
finger | |
finger-paint | |
fingerboard | |
-fingering | |
fingerling | |
fingernail | |
fingerprint | |
@@ -14515,9 +14234,6 @@ formulaic | |
formulate | |
formulation | |
formulator | |
-fornicate | |
-fornication | |
-fornicator | |
forsake | |
forsaken | |
forsook | |
@@ -14870,13 +14586,9 @@ fry | |
fryer | |
ft. | |
fuchsia | |
-fuck | |
-fucker | |
-fucking | |
fuddle | |
fuddy-duddy | |
fudge | |
-fuehrer | |
fuel | |
fugal | |
fugitive | |
@@ -15044,7 +14756,6 @@ gadolinium | |
gaff | |
gaffe | |
gaffer | |
-gag | |
gaga | |
gage | |
gaggle | |
@@ -15102,7 +14813,6 @@ gambler | |
gambling | |
gambol | |
game | |
-gamecock | |
gamekeeper | |
gamely | |
gameness | |
@@ -15236,10 +14946,6 @@ gawk | |
gawkily | |
gawkiness | |
gawky | |
-gay | |
-gayety | |
-gayly | |
-gayness | |
gaze | |
gazebo | |
gazelle | |
@@ -15312,12 +15018,6 @@ geniality | |
genially | |
genie | |
genii | |
-genital | |
-genitalia | |
-genitally | |
-genitals | |
-genitive | |
-genitourinary | |
genius | |
genocidal | |
genocide | |
@@ -15452,7 +15152,6 @@ gigantically | |
giggle | |
giggler | |
giggly | |
-gigolo | |
gild | |
gilder | |
gilding | |
@@ -15688,29 +15387,14 @@ gobbler | |
goblet | |
goblin | |
gobs | |
-god | |
-god-awful | |
-god-fearing | |
godchild | |
godchildren | |
-goddammit | |
-goddamn | |
-goddamned | |
goddaughter | |
goddess | |
godfather | |
-godforsaken | |
-godhead | |
-godhood | |
-godless | |
-godlessness | |
-godlike | |
-godliness | |
-godly | |
godmother | |
godparent | |
godsend | |
-godson | |
goer | |
goes | |
gofer | |
@@ -15735,17 +15419,12 @@ goldsmith | |
golf | |
golfer | |
golly | |
-gonad | |
-gonadal | |
gondola | |
gondolier | |
gone | |
goner | |
gong | |
gonna | |
-gonorrhea | |
-gonorrheal | |
-gonorrhoea | |
goo | |
goober | |
good | |
@@ -15860,7 +15539,6 @@ graffiti | |
graffito | |
graft | |
grafter | |
-graham | |
grain | |
grained | |
graininess | |
@@ -16305,10 +15983,6 @@ gymnastic | |
gymnastically | |
gymnastics | |
gymnosperm | |
-gynecologic | |
-gynecological | |
-gynecologist | |
-gynecology | |
gyp | |
gypsum | |
gypsy | |
@@ -16992,8 +16666,6 @@ hemophilia | |
hemophiliac | |
hemorrhage | |
hemorrhagic | |
-hemorrhoid | |
-hemorrhoids | |
hemostat | |
hemp | |
hempen | |
@@ -17009,7 +16681,6 @@ henpecked | |
hep | |
heparin | |
hepatic | |
-hepatitis | |
heptagon | |
heptagonal | |
heptathlon | |
@@ -17057,10 +16728,6 @@ hermetic | |
hermetically | |
hermit | |
hermitage | |
-hernia | |
-hernial | |
-herniate | |
-herniation | |
hero | |
heroic | |
heroically | |
@@ -17069,7 +16736,6 @@ heroin | |
heroine | |
heroism | |
heron | |
-herpes | |
herpetologist | |
herpetology | |
herring | |
@@ -17272,7 +16938,6 @@ hitherto | |
hitter | |
hive | |
hives | |
-ho | |
ho-hum | |
hoagie | |
hoagy | |
@@ -17297,7 +16962,6 @@ hobgoblin | |
hobnail | |
hobnailed | |
hobnob | |
-hobo | |
hock | |
hockey | |
hockshop | |
@@ -17345,7 +17009,6 @@ hollowness | |
holly | |
hollyhock | |
holmium | |
-holocaust | |
hologram | |
holograph | |
holographic | |
@@ -17361,8 +17024,6 @@ homeboy | |
homecoming | |
homegrown | |
homeland | |
-homeless | |
-homelessness | |
homelike | |
homeliness | |
homely | |
@@ -17398,7 +17059,6 @@ homily | |
hominess | |
hominid | |
hominy | |
-homo | |
homogeneity | |
homogeneous | |
homogeneously | |
@@ -17408,11 +17068,7 @@ homogenized | |
homograph | |
homologous | |
homonym | |
-homophobia | |
-homophobic | |
homophone | |
-homosexual | |
-homosexuality | |
hon | |
honcho | |
hone | |
@@ -17459,7 +17115,6 @@ hoofed | |
hook | |
hookah | |
hooked | |
-hooker | |
hookey | |
hookup | |
hookworm | |
@@ -17503,7 +17158,6 @@ hornet | |
hornless | |
hornlike | |
hornpipe | |
-horny | |
horologic | |
horological | |
horologist | |
@@ -17558,7 +17212,6 @@ hospitality | |
hospitalization | |
hospitalize | |
host | |
-hostage | |
hostel | |
hosteler | |
hostelry | |
@@ -17799,7 +17452,6 @@ huskily | |
huskiness | |
husky | |
hussar | |
-hussy | |
hustings | |
hustle | |
hustler | |
@@ -17859,7 +17511,6 @@ hygienically | |
hygienist | |
hygrometer | |
hying | |
-hymen | |
hymeneal | |
hymn | |
hymnal | |
@@ -17922,7 +17573,6 @@ hypothetically | |
hypothyroid | |
hypothyroidism | |
hyssop | |
-hysterectomy | |
hysteria | |
hysteric | |
hysterical | |
@@ -18363,10 +18013,6 @@ impost | |
imposter | |
impostor | |
imposture | |
-impotence | |
-impotency | |
-impotent | |
-impotently | |
impound | |
impoverish | |
impoverished | |
@@ -18382,11 +18028,6 @@ imprecise | |
imprecisely | |
impreciseness | |
imprecision | |
-impregnability | |
-impregnable | |
-impregnably | |
-impregnate | |
-impregnation | |
impresario | |
impress | |
impressibility | |
@@ -18539,9 +18180,6 @@ inception | |
incertitude | |
incessant | |
incessantly | |
-incest | |
-incestuous | |
-incestuously | |
inch | |
inchoate | |
inchworm | |
@@ -19217,8 +18855,6 @@ insectivorous | |
insecure | |
insecurely | |
insecurity | |
-inseminate | |
-insemination | |
insensate | |
insensibility | |
insensible | |
@@ -19423,8 +19059,6 @@ interact | |
interaction | |
interactive | |
interactively | |
-interbred | |
-interbreed | |
intercede | |
intercept | |
interception | |
@@ -19443,7 +19077,6 @@ interconnect | |
interconnected | |
interconnection | |
intercontinental | |
-intercourse | |
intercultural | |
interdenominational | |
interdepartmental | |
@@ -19572,9 +19205,6 @@ intestacy | |
intestate | |
intestinal | |
intestine | |
-intimacy | |
-intimate | |
-intimately | |
intimation | |
intimidate | |
intimidated | |
@@ -19798,7 +19428,6 @@ irrelevance | |
irrelevancy | |
irrelevant | |
irrelevantly | |
-irreligious | |
irremediable | |
irremediably | |
irremovable | |
@@ -19914,7 +19543,6 @@ jack-in-the-pulpit | |
jack-o'-lantern | |
jack-of-all-trades | |
jackal | |
-jackass | |
jackboot | |
jackdaw | |
jacket | |
@@ -20321,7 +19949,6 @@ kibitz | |
kibitzer | |
kibosh | |
kick | |
-kick-ass | |
kick-start | |
kickback | |
kickball | |
@@ -20335,10 +19962,6 @@ kiddie | |
kiddish | |
kiddo | |
kiddy | |
-kidnap | |
-kidnaper | |
-kidnapper | |
-kidnapping | |
kidney | |
kidskin | |
kielbasa | |
@@ -20393,9 +20016,6 @@ kingly | |
kingpin | |
kingship | |
kink | |
-kinkily | |
-kinkiness | |
-kinky | |
kinsfolk | |
kinship | |
kinsman | |
@@ -20449,7 +20069,6 @@ knell | |
knelt | |
knew | |
knickerbockers | |
-knickers | |
knickknack | |
knife | |
knight | |
@@ -20464,8 +20083,6 @@ knitter | |
knitting | |
knitwear | |
knives | |
-knob | |
-knobby | |
knock | |
knock-knee | |
knock-kneed | |
@@ -21019,8 +20636,6 @@ leper | |
leprechaun | |
leprosy | |
leprous | |
-lesbian | |
-lesbianism | |
lesion | |
less | |
lessee | |
@@ -21049,10 +20664,6 @@ letterpress | |
letters | |
lettuce | |
letup | |
-leukaemia | |
-leukemia | |
-leukemic | |
-leukocyte | |
levee | |
level | |
leveler | |
@@ -21632,7 +21243,6 @@ loveless | |
loveliness | |
lovelorn | |
lovely | |
-lovemaking | |
lover | |
lovers | |
loveseat | |
@@ -21680,13 +21290,6 @@ lozenge | |
luau | |
lubber | |
lubberly | |
-lube | |
-lubricant | |
-lubricate | |
-lubrication | |
-lubricator | |
-lubricious | |
-lubricity | |
lucid | |
lucidity | |
lucidly | |
@@ -22042,9 +21645,6 @@ mambo | |
mamma | |
mammal | |
mammalian | |
-mammary | |
-mammogram | |
-mammography | |
mammon | |
mammoth | |
mammy | |
@@ -22098,7 +21698,6 @@ mangrove | |
mangy | |
manhandle | |
manhole | |
-manhood | |
manhunt | |
mania | |
maniac | |
@@ -22203,7 +21802,6 @@ maria | |
mariachi | |
marigold | |
marihuana | |
-marijuana | |
marimba | |
marina | |
marinade | |
@@ -22288,10 +21886,6 @@ masher | |
mask | |
masked | |
masker | |
-masochism | |
-masochist | |
-masochistic | |
-masochistically | |
mason | |
masonry | |
masque | |
@@ -22301,7 +21895,6 @@ mass | |
mass-market | |
mass-produce | |
mass-produced | |
-massacre | |
massage | |
masses | |
masseur | |
@@ -22311,7 +21904,6 @@ massive | |
massively | |
massiveness | |
mast | |
-mastectomy | |
masted | |
master | |
master's | |
@@ -22330,9 +21922,6 @@ mastication | |
mastiff | |
mastodon | |
mastoid | |
-masturbate | |
-masturbation | |
-masturbatory | |
mat | |
matador | |
match | |
@@ -22566,7 +22155,6 @@ melancholic | |
melancholy | |
melange | |
melanin | |
-melanoma | |
meld | |
melee | |
meliorate | |
@@ -22642,9 +22230,6 @@ menorah | |
mensch | |
menservants | |
menses | |
-menstrual | |
-menstruate | |
-menstruation | |
mensurable | |
mensuration | |
menswear | |
@@ -22883,7 +22468,6 @@ middleweight | |
middling | |
middy | |
midge | |
-midget | |
midi | |
midland | |
midlife | |
@@ -23113,7 +22697,6 @@ misc. | |
miscalculate | |
miscalculation | |
miscall | |
-miscarriage | |
miscarry | |
miscast | |
miscegenation | |
@@ -23127,8 +22710,6 @@ mischievously | |
mischievousness | |
miscibility | |
miscible | |
-misconceive | |
-misconceived | |
misconception | |
misconduct | |
misconstruction | |
@@ -23287,8 +22868,6 @@ mm: | |
mnemonic | |
mnemonically | |
mo. | |
-moan | |
-moaner | |
moat | |
mob | |
mobile | |
@@ -23369,9 +22948,6 @@ molecularity | |
molecule | |
molehill | |
moleskin | |
-molest | |
-molestation | |
-molester | |
moll | |
mollification | |
mollify | |
@@ -23633,8 +23209,6 @@ mother | |
mother-in-law | |
mother-of-pearl | |
motherboard | |
-motherfucker | |
-motherfucking | |
motherhood | |
motherland | |
motherless | |
@@ -24005,9 +23579,6 @@ naive | |
naively | |
naivete | |
naivety | |
-naked | |
-nakedly | |
-nakedness | |
namby-pamby | |
name | |
name-brand | |
@@ -24536,7 +24107,6 @@ nonbinding | |
nonbreakable | |
nonburnable | |
noncaloric | |
-noncancerous | |
nonce | |
nonchalance | |
nonchalant | |
@@ -24708,7 +24278,6 @@ nonprofitable | |
nonproliferation | |
nonpublic | |
nonpunishable | |
-nonracial | |
nonradioactive | |
nonrandom | |
nonreactive | |
@@ -24744,8 +24313,6 @@ nonsense | |
nonsensical | |
nonsensically | |
nonsensitive | |
-nonsexist | |
-nonsexual | |
nonskid | |
nonslip | |
nonsmoker | |
@@ -24931,11 +24498,7 @@ nucleoli | |
nucleolus | |
nucleon | |
nucleus | |
-nude | |
nudge | |
-nudism | |
-nudist | |
-nudity | |
nugatory | |
nugget | |
nuisance | |
@@ -25009,10 +24572,6 @@ nuzzle | |
nuzzler | |
nylon | |
nylons | |
-nymph | |
-nymphet | |
-nymphomania | |
-nymphomaniac | |
o | |
o' | |
o'clock | |
@@ -25375,9 +24934,6 @@ on-site | |
on-the-job | |
once | |
once-over | |
-oncogene | |
-oncologist | |
-oncology | |
oncoming | |
one | |
one-dimensional | |
@@ -25530,8 +25086,6 @@ opus | |
or | |
oracle | |
oracular | |
-oral | |
-orally | |
orange | |
orangeade | |
orangery | |
@@ -25590,10 +25144,6 @@ organize | |
organized | |
organizer | |
organza | |
-orgasm | |
-orgasmic | |
-orgiastic | |
-orgy | |
oriel | |
orient | |
oriental | |
@@ -25823,10 +25373,7 @@ outwore | |
outwork | |
outworn | |
ouzo | |
-ova | |
oval | |
-ovarian | |
-ovary | |
ovate | |
ovation | |
oven | |
@@ -25892,7 +25439,6 @@ overdevelop | |
overdid | |
overdo | |
overdone | |
-overdose | |
overdraft | |
overdraw | |
overdrawn | |
@@ -26016,7 +25562,6 @@ overseer | |
oversell | |
oversensitive | |
oversensitiveness | |
-oversexed | |
overshadow | |
overshoe | |
overshoot | |
@@ -26039,7 +25584,6 @@ overstate | |
overstatement | |
overstay | |
overstep | |
-overstimulate | |
overstock | |
overstrict | |
overstrung | |
@@ -26079,11 +25623,6 @@ overzealous | |
oviduct | |
oviparous | |
ovoid | |
-ovular | |
-ovulate | |
-ovulation | |
-ovule | |
-ovum | |
ow | |
owe | |
owing | |
@@ -26164,7 +25703,6 @@ pageboy | |
pager | |
paginate | |
pagination | |
-pagoda | |
paid | |
pail | |
pailful | |
@@ -26294,17 +25832,12 @@ pantheist | |
pantheistic | |
pantheon | |
panther | |
-pantie | |
-panties | |
pantomime | |
pantomimic | |
pantomimist | |
pantry | |
pants | |
pantsuit | |
-pantyhose | |
-pantyliner | |
-pantywaist | |
pap | |
papa | |
papacy | |
@@ -26556,9 +26089,6 @@ pasteurizer | |
pastiche | |
pastime | |
pastiness | |
-pastor | |
-pastoral | |
-pastorate | |
pastrami | |
pastry | |
pasturage | |
@@ -26740,7 +26270,6 @@ pediment | |
pedlar | |
pedometer | |
peduncle | |
-pee | |
peek | |
peekaboo | |
peel | |
@@ -26749,7 +26278,6 @@ peeling | |
peelings | |
peen | |
peep | |
-peeper | |
peephole | |
peer | |
peerage | |
@@ -26777,8 +26305,6 @@ pellet | |
pellucid | |
pelt | |
pelves | |
-pelvic | |
-pelvis | |
pemmican | |
pen | |
penal | |
@@ -26808,7 +26334,6 @@ penicillin | |
penile | |
peninsula | |
peninsular | |
-penis | |
penitence | |
penitent | |
penitential | |
@@ -27082,13 +26607,6 @@ pervade | |
pervasive | |
pervasively | |
pervasiveness | |
-perverse | |
-perversely | |
-perverseness | |
-perversion | |
-perversity | |
-pervert | |
-perverted | |
peseta | |
peskily | |
peskiness | |
@@ -27151,9 +26669,6 @@ phagocyte | |
phalanger | |
phalanges | |
phalan |