Fuck having to log in to disable autoplay of videos. That shit shouldn't be on unless you turn it on.
It's like being raped in the skull... but given a choice if you want to sign up or not.
This snippet removes the video altogether, but to be honest you don't miss it at all.
These instructions are for Firefox, but are probably similar for other browsers.
- Install the AdBlockPlus Firefox addon.
- Tools menu
- AdBlockPlus
- Filter Preferences
- Custom Filters
- Add filter
- Paste in "smh.com.au,theage.com.au,brisbanetimes.com.au,nationaltimes.com.au,watoday.com.au,domain.com.au##div.cT-imageMultimedia" without quotes
- Save and close. That's it!
Where Greasemonkey scripts have failed, a big thanks goes to Tim Bennett for posting this tip!