It is often useful to regroup large lists of data by a date upon displaying.
You can either do this manually in the view, or use a nifty little template tag called "regroup".
First the normal list, which shows you everything "as is" without grouping.
<ul class="ulbox">
{% for draft in drafts %}
<li><a href="#">{{ }}</a> (created {{ draft.created_on }})</li>
{% endfor %}
Now the regrouped template code will be a little trickier, but much more helpful when you're looking at the output.
{% regroup drafts by created_on|date:"d-m-Y" as drafts_by_day %} <h2>Drafts</h2> <ul class="ulbox"> {% for days in drafts_by_day %}
<li><b>{{ days.grouper }}</b></li>
{% for draft in days.list %}
<li><a href="#">{{ }}</a> (created {{ draft.created_on }})</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
As you can see, this makes it a lot easier for your eyes to find data while skimming the list.
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