Getting Drupal 6 Clean URLs to work with Apache 2

1 Comment
1. Global configuration (httpd.conf)
Search for
# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.

and change "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All".

You now have the option to load the "rewrite_module" globally (for all sites) or just a specific vhost.

2. a) Load module globally (httpd.conf)
Search for "#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" and uncomment it.

2. b) Per virtual host (conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf)
Search for your vhost and add "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/".

3. Test settings (
Restart your Apache server and test the settings.

Windows XP - disable native Zip file support

Once I got WinRAR or something else installed, I dont really need this anymore.

"regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" will remove zip support from XP.

This includes opening, extracting and searching.

Winamp - remove menu "Add to Winamp's Bookmark List"

In the spirit of keeping unused context menu items out of the system, remove the following registry key


Or you could do it using the following command under "Start" > "Run".

"reg DELETE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shell\Winamp.Bookmark"

NetGear - MrvGina.dll not allowing change of logon options

NetGear, not only the proud producer of crap network cards but also creators of the worst drivers EVARRRRRRRRRR.

I noticed that I was forced to logon to my computer after installing the drivers.
Not only that, I had problems changing the options and using remote desktop.
This was more than a year ago, so details in my mind are sketchy.
The only real thing I learnt from this was that NetGear produced absolute rubbish and the only thing I should of done was not purchase their shit.

It complained about some file called mrvgina.dll and not being able to do anything about it.
(Great name for the file by the way, mr vagina)

To resolve this issue, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" and remove the registry key "GinaDLL"

MSN - Unsafe file extensions

In some point in history, MSN decided that it was unsafe to accept certain filetypes such as; mp3s, mp4, mid, midi, rar, zip, jpg, png, doc, xls, avi, mpg, and many others (ref).

Whilst doing so, it'll display messages such as:
  • To help protect your computer...
  • Unsafe file extensions...
  • Windows found that this file is potentially harmful...
  • Windows has blocked access to this file...
  • We are going to make your life difficult...
In regards to the people that made that decision, I'd like to say FUCK YOU.
Thank you for making things more complicated than they should be.
Now I have to explain to computer illiterate people why I cant send them:
  • songs
  • assignments/documents
  • setup files for software
  • photos and pictures
  • video files
Worst thing is that even though I'm able to send them, if the person receiving the files clicks on the blue hyperlink after accepting the file, MSN will decide to delete it anyways.
Once again, FUCK YOU.

But do not fret. Even though file transfers have been crippled to a point beyond the uselessness of Christopher Reeve, theres still a way to Superman that ho!

Copy/pasta the following block of text into a registry file (ie. run notepad, paste it and save it as "msn file extensions.reg")

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Disable SP2 file publisher checking crap:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download]
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download]
Now doubleclick that file and it should apply those registry settings.

[ ref ]
If you're lazy, you can always grab a file prepared by someone else from here.

MSN Live - Remove "My Sharing Folders" from Explorer

Argh, more useless services that I dont want!
Can giant software companies stop adding shovelware into the installation files!?

Anyways, to get rid of the extra location "My Sharing Folders" which appears in your Explorer after installing Messenger Live, run this command.

1. Copy this command into the run prompt (but dont run it yet)
regsvr32 -u -s "C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\fsshext..dll"

2. Navigate to that folder and copy the filename starting with "fsshext".
3. Paste the correct filename into the run prompt and run it.

"My Sharing Folders" should now be removed from your Explorer and quite possibly MSN Live.
You can activate it again via MSN when you need it.

Adobe Acrobat - Remove 'Combine Supported Files in Acrobat' context menu option

I like to keep my Windows installation as clean as possible, and that means going through the trouble of removing menu items I never use as they only slow down the system.
To get rid of Adobe Acrobat's context menu options, simply run the following command.
regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat Elements\ContextMenu.dll"
For Acrobat 9, simply change the number.
regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat Elements\ContextMenu.dll"
Another thing to take note of, x64 users have to change the command yet again.
regsvr32 /u "%programfiles(x86)%\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat Elements\ContextMenu.dll"
regsvr32 /u "%programfiles(x86)%\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat Elements\ContextMenu64.dll"
This doesnt actually work for me, I presume mainly due to the fact that its a 32bit program trying to unload a 64bit DLL. So if all else fails... resort to registry deletion.

That will get rid of the menu items shown below. 

Theres another one for folders.
Run this from a command console with admin access.
reg delete /f HKCR\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\Adobe.Acrobat.ContextMenu
On Acrobat 11+, you'll need to also use this (untested by me, posted in comments):
regsvr32 /u "%programfiles(x86)%\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat Elements\ContextMenuShim64.dll"
 Or, if you prefer to do it manually, search the registry for "{D25B2CAB-8A9A-4517-A9B2-CB5F68A5A802}" and delete it.

*edit - 19/01/2009*
Updated to include Acrobat 9 instructions.
*edit - 21/08/09*
  • Added x64 users command.
  • Added registry removal.
*edit - 9/7/2010*
So I finally found another menu item from Acrobat. This time it was for the folder.

*edit - 18/12/2013*
Added an extra command for removing it from folders on Acrobat 11. Thanks Anonymous!

[ Source ]

Windows XP - Access "System Volume Information"

Accidently clicking on that folder in Windows Explorer is annoying.
Error messages such as "Access is denied." or "*folder* is not accessible." come up, even though its on your own damn computer!

This can be used to browse that annoying folder, or also grant you access to folders owned by other people if you have administrative rights.

[Method A]
1. Open up command prompt.
2. Type "cacls "Filename with quotes" /E /G username:F" where filename could be "C:\System Volume Information" and username is your current username.

[Method B]
1. Disable Simple File Sharing in Windows Explorer (Tools -> Options -> View)
2. Go to file/folder properties and find Security tab
3. Set yourself to owner and apply to all subfolders/files
4. Close the properties dialog, and open the properties dialog again.
5. Now grant yourself full access to the file/folder then click OK/Apply.

Windows XP - Fake SP2 version

If you're on SP1 and refusing to upgrade, you can trick applications into beleiving you're on SP2 by modifying this registry key.

Go to: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows"
And change "CSDVersion" from the SP1 value (0x00000100) to SP2 value (0x00000200)
I'd assume that the SP3 value is (0x00000300)

C# threading > update progress bar

C#, placed so highly on a pedestal by many.
so much shit hits fan when you try to update a label, progressbar or windows control from a thread.

Normally people would go through the trouble of declaring delegates, calling invoke with empty object arrays, shit like that which takes up roughly 6-7 lines of code.

//Declare a new delegate specific to updating the text of a label
delegate void UpdateLabelTextDelegate(Label lbl, string text);

//This method will invoke the delegate and pass our args along
void UpdateLabelText(Label lbl, string text)
UpdateLabelTextDelegate dlg = new UpdateLabelTextDelegate(UpdateLabelTextByDelegate);
//Invoke this method on the control's original that owns the label's handle
lbl.Invoke(dlg, new object[] { lbl, text });

//This method is invoked by our delegate and actually updates the label text
void UpdateLabelTextByDelegate(Label lbl, string text)
lbl.Text = text;

//Call the method now
UpdateLabelText(myLabel, "What a great post");
What a waste of time just to change a frikken label!
To make matters worse, it turns your code to garbage and makes it utterly unreadable.

Luckily, Microsoft decided to stop pounding our balls against a wall and provide us with MethodInvoker.

Short sweet and simple!

[ ref ]

File Properties Dialog Missing MP3 File Properties

If your file properties dialog is missing information from your MP3 files in the "Summary" tab, run this command in the run dialog.

"regsvr32 shmedia.dll"

Remote Desktop not working, no error messages

One day, my remote desktop stopped working. There were no error messages, so I had no idea what was wrong.
I thought it would of been some security certifications that needed updating or my computer needed rebooting after an update.

After rebooting both client and host, the problem persisted.
Scouring the net for a while, I discovered that it was due to my recently updated nVIDIA drivers. Somehow, the new drivers were breaking Remote Desktop, and surprisingly this isnt just with nVIDIA drivers).

The drivers I downloaded were GeForce WinXP 32bit v175.19.exe, but the problem seems to have been from before that. I couldn't be bothered downgrading, so I looked for an alternative.

Luckily, there was an easy solution.

The problem: [ Source ]
The root of the problem is that the session image space is too small and it can't load any more drivers into it. The session image space is shared for the display driver drivers and printer drivers. rdpdd = remote desktop protocol display driver.

You can fix this bug by increasing the size of the session image space via a registry key.

The fix:
In the registry, go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" and add a new DWORD called "SessionImageSize"

Setting its value to 0x20 (hex) or 32 (decimal) will allocate 32mb to memory for the session image.

Reboot and your Remote Desktop should work again.
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