Win7: More "God Mode" options


Microsoft has a list of more "canonical names" of control panel items, often referred to as God Mode.

I love these, as they cut out the crap "user friendly" interface that we've been forced to use. YAY for no more installing of tweaking software!

A full list of GUIDs listed here. For information on how to use God Mode, see this previous post.

Thanks Jet for the info!

[ Source ]

PS3 protection finally hacked!


For those interested in running backup games on your PlayStation 3, a clever chap called George Hotz has (apparently) managed to slip a crowbar into a wall of the chunky black fortress.

He posted his success on Australia Day (Jan 26th) 2010 on his blog post. The post also includes a link to the source code he used to compile the exploit, allowing full memory space access.

He's posted a link to how it works (for the less tech savvy) and a more detailed technical post here for those interested in using the exploit.

Win7: Sticky Alt+Tab

Just accidently discovered something.

Normally, Alt+Tab is enough to switch windows.

But if you have alot of windows open and you need to navigate between them, you can use Ctrl+Alt+Tab to keep the switcher open, even after you let go of the Alt key.

Apple iPad: Great New Device


I've whipped up a quick summary of the best features from the official page.

  • All in a design that’s thin and light enough to take anywhere.
  • iPad isn’t just the best device of its kind. It’s a whole new kind of device.
  • It’s also been designed to work in any orientation — portrait or landscape.
  • One of the first things you’ll notice about the iPad is how thin and light it is.
  • Overall, it’s slightly smaller than a magazine.
  • And at just 1.5 lbs and 0.5 inches thin, it’s easy to carry and use anywhere.
  • There’s also a slight curve to the back. Which makes it easy to pick up and comfortable to hold.

With my deeply embedded anti-Apple mentality aside, I had expected better from their marketing team which has been an absolute killer so far. What the hell were they thinking naming the device after a pad/tampon?

[ Source ]

Win7: Search specific folders

Its taken me 7 months (ironic much?) to realise that the Windows 7 search functionality is an UTTER PEICE OF SHIT AND I WOULD NOT PISS ON IT EVEN IF IT WERE ON FIRE AND IT WAS PLACED ON THE FOREHEAD OF STEPHEN CONROY.

At first, I purely accepted Microsoft was stupid and removed so many search options. I didn't realise it was possible with Windows 7 to filter searching by specific folders, so I started to look up alternatives. It was only until I bumped into a post on NeoWin which showed me it was possible.

What stupid fucken moron decided to add options into the user interface AFTER you've started searching? Look around your Windows Explorer (or Win+F dialog, since its all the fucken same thing now) and there is absolutely NOTHING to select what folder you want to search in.

Search will first try to scan your WHOLE COMPUTER! Just for the fun of it.

Only until you begin your search, Windows decides to show you more search options, such as "Custom" which allows you to specific which folder to search.

Oh look, NOW you give us search options.
Would of been nice to have BEFORE I started the search...

Clicking on the "Custom..." button will present you with:

The well hidden "Custom" search dialog.

This concludes yet another lesson on user friendly retardation. Please, if you're going to simplify things, stop fucking around with context sensitive controls. It's a pain in the arse to teach people shit already without things magically appearing when it feels like it.



[ Source ]

MyBB: Restore lost Administrator access

I messed up a little on the forums when I was granting access to users. I also changed my own access a little and somehow the controls allowed me to remove myself from the Administrators role.

Surprisingly, there wasn't a check in place to see if there were any other Administrators, meaning the board was without an admin.

So I took a look around the database for a way to add myself back in.

Luckily, the tables were described in the documentation wiki pages.

Firstly, get the Administrator group ID from mybb_usergroups. For me, the group ID was "4".

Now you'll have to update your own primary user ID to match the admin group ID. You can find that in the mybb_users table.

Armed with the correct information, the query you should end up with is:

1.UPDATE mybb_users SET usergroup = 4 WHERE uid = 1

Where user ID "1" is the admin account.

PS. The table names shown are assuming that your database table prefix is "mybb_".

JS Error: "Expected identifier, string or number" but only on Internet Explorer

I got some cryptic errors on Internet Explorer when the document was trying to load. Took me a few hours to hunt this bastard down!


Hmm ok, so I took a look at line 269 of the HTML and it had nothing. At first I thought it was a JQuery bug. Nope it wasn't.

After taking a look at the error details, I got this:

Err, wtf?

Bloody hell! Does it hurt to be a little more descriptive?

After enabling the script debugger (instructions), I found that the errors were caused by defining objects with a trailing comma at the end of the last field.

A snippet of the "ajaxupload_3_6.js"

Removing the "," at the end of the "onError" line would fix the issues. Seems that IE has an issue parsing it and decides to stop executing scripts on the page altogether.

Win7: Deleting a custom theme/scheme

After I accidently created a new theme, I realised there was no way to actually delete it. What the hell?

Wheres the frikken delete option!?

Well, luckily theres always the good old long way.

Paste the following into the Start menu (or run dialog):

explorer "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes"

Search for the corresponding theme file, delete it then proceed to sip on a pinacolada.

Note: It'd be a good idea to keep the custom one.

Drupal: Simple way to bootstrap scripts into Drupal system

Previously I wrote about a method of hooking up an existing site with the Drupal backend. That will work fine if the request comes from the browser, but for a script you will need an extra little bit of configuration.

In conjuction with initialise_drupal_bootstrap() (a function provided in the previous post), you will need to call the following.

01.function initialise_for_script($server_address = '') {  
02.  global $_SERVER;   
04.  // define default settings   
05.  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']       = $server_address;   
06.  $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']        = '/index.php';   
07.  $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']     = '';   
09.  $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']  = 'GET';   
10.  $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']    = '';   
11.  $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']        = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/';   

When using the bootstrappers, your script would look something like this:

02.* Run this from your Drupal folder.  
03.* Usage: php scripts/mailout.php  
10.if (function_exists(mailout_loop')) {
11.  mailout_loop();

Drupal: Reuse the node edit form in a page

If you ever need to duplicate the functionality of the path of "/node/%node/edit", you can simply copy the following to and edit so it matches what you need.

In your menu hook, add this menu item:

1.$items['something/edit/%node'] = array(   
2.  'page callback' => 'something_edit_page',    
3.  'page arguments' => array(2),    
4.  'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,    
5.  'access callback' => 'node_access',    
6.  'access arguments' => array('update', 1),    

And then create the corresponding callback function to handle the request:

1.function something_edit_page($node) {   
2.  require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');    
3.  return node_page_edit($node);    

So when you visit "/something/edit/%node", it will display the same things as it would on the normal edit node page (except the "View" and "Edit" tabs).

ESET Nod32: Fix the "Undocumented Serious Error (0x101a)"

If you notice that your Nod32 icon is orange or red and its displaying a little popup stating your updates are failing, check the "Update" tab to see any status messages.

If it is displaying "Undocumented Serious Error (0x101a)" or "General Compiler Error" in the status message, it means something has gone wrong during the update process.

Clearing the update cache, reboot and try updating again.

  • Click on "Setup"
  • "Enter entire advanced setup tree..."


  • Select "Update" in the tree.
  • Click "Clear..." beside "Clear update cache"


If it doesn't fix the problem, you may have to reinstall the antivirus.

[ Source ]

Firefox: View contents of cache

Pointing your browser to the location "about:cache" will display the contents of the memory, disk and offline caches.

Information about the Cache Service

JS: How to share links on Facebook from your site

Ever noticed some sites have this?


It allows you to post a link to their content on your Facebook profile. One way of doing it is this is to:

First, create a link with the corresponding details.

1.<a name="fb_share" type="icon_link" share_url="">Share this to my Facebook amigos</a>

Then import the JavaScript from Facebook which renders the button and creates a popup for sharing.

1.<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Whalla, you should now have a share on Facebook button.

Facebook also supplies a code generator in case you don't know enough HTML ...

Title and Description

You may find that the title and description in the summary may not match with what you want.

Luckily, you can specify the default values using meta tags on the page you're linking to.

Be sure to set these to ensure that Facebook pulls the right details.


1.<meta name="title" content="Smith hails 'unique' Wable legacy" />   
2.<meta name="description" content="John Smith claims beautiful football is the main legacy of Akhil Wable's decade at the club. " />    

*edit 18/01/2010*

  • Added Title & Description section

[ Source, Metatag examples ]

Drupal: Load JS file from external source

Sometimes you need to use JavaScript API from another source and drupal_add_js() just doesn't cut it.

Instead, just use drupal_set_html_head().

1.drupal_set_html_head('<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>');

Win7: GodMode folder trick to access all settings in 1 place

The Windows Vista/7 control panel is alot of things, but useful isn't one of them. I've complained about the control panel from day 1 of migrating to Windows 7.

Luckily, there is a "God Mode" shortcut we can create which will make configuration a tad bit easier. It will display all the configuration options under one big easy to access list.

This trick has a few names such as "Master Mode" and "All Tasks" (which is the name for it in the registry. Search for "@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-32538")


First, create a new folder (anywhere you like) and name it:


Copy paste that, its easier ;)


Once its been renamed, the grass will be greener, streaks of light will stream across your screen and leprechauns will dance on pots of gold under a rainbow.

Ok, I lied about that... The only thing that'll change is the folder name and the icon.

Opening that folder will show you this.

You can create the folder in some obscure place and create a shortcut somewhere. That way you can access only when its needed.

Apparently this also works for Vista x86, but as with anything Vista it only crashed for me. The trick on Vista x64 is reportedly broken for everyone.

*edit - 31/01/2010*

See updated post for more Windows 7 "God Mode" access GUID codes.

[ Source ]

WinXP: Thumbnail view doesn't show filename

Thumbnail view, in crippled mode.

Its nice that thumbnail mode shows a bigger preview for your images, but often it is annoying that the filename keeps disappearing.

Why? I don't know. How to fix it? That I do know!


Click on the views button in the toolbar and select another view (any type is fine).


Next, display the dropdown again but this time Shift+Click on the "Thumbnails" option. That should do the trick.

Now your icons should now display in thumbnail mode with the filename underneath the preview.

Thumbnail view, in useful mode.

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