Installing Eclipse with PyDev


Getting started with a new language can be a bit difficult, but it can be alot less frustrating with the right development environment helping you along the way with little trips here and there.

At time of writing, I have set this up with

  1. Eclipse v3.5 (162mb)
  2. Python v2.6.2 (13.8mb)
  3. PyDev

To install, download the required files listed above. Then

  • Install Python (anywhere)
  • Download and unzip Eclipse into a folder of your liking
  • Create a "workspace" directory for your python projects
  • Run Eclipse and select your workspace folder.
  • Click on "Help" > "Install New Software..."
  • Click "Add" and type "PyDev" for the name, using as the location.
  • Expand and select "Pydev".
  • Click through to finish.
  • Restart when prompted.

Configuring PyDev

  • Select "Window" > "Preferences"
  • Expand "Pydev" and select "Interpreter - Python"
  • Click "New" and give it a name.
  • Select "python.exe" from your Python install path.
  • Click OK and accept the defaults.
  • Save the preferences and now you're ready to go!
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