Windows Media Player: Command Line Arguments

If you've wanted to start Media Player up in "Play Mode" or "Library Mode", you can modify the shortcut icon to include some arguments which affect its startup behaviour.

To start it in Library Mode (which looks better in Windows 7) or Playing Mode (better in XP), change the shortcut to the following

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Task MediaLibrary

Library Mode looks better in Windows 7, but Now Playing Mode looks better in XP, so to use that replace "MediaLibrary" with "NowPlaying".

There are loads of other options listed below.

Description: Start and play the file.
Example: wmplayer "c:\filename.wma"


Play the specified file in full-screen mode.

You must specify the name of the content to play.

Example: wmplayer "c:\filename.wmv" /fullscreen

Description: Play a DVD or audio CD.
Example: wmplayer /device:AudioCD

"path\filename?WMPSkin=skin name"
Description: Open the Player using the specified skin.
Example: wmplayer "c:\filename.wma?wmpskin=headspace"

Description: Open the Player showing the online store specified by keyname.
Example: wmplayer /Service:blah

/Task {NowPlaying|MediaGuide|CDAudio|CDWrite|
Description: Open the Player in the task specified.
Example: wmplayer /Task NowPlaying

/Task Services /Service servicename

Open the Player in the Premium Services feature, showing the service specified by the servicename parameter.

This value is the unique name for the service. If the specified service has not been previously viewed, the servicename parameter is ignored.

Opens the specified online store in Windows Media Player 10 or later.

Example: wmplayer /Task Services /Service ServiceName

/Task ServiceTask#
Description: Open the Player in the online store service task pane specified by #.
Example: wmplayer /Task ServiceTask2

/Playlist PlaylistName
Description: Open the Player and play the specified playlist.
Example: wmplayer /Playlist MyTracks


Open the Player, showing the specified media category.

Requires Windows Media Player 11.

Example: wmplayer /Schema:Pictures /Task:PortableDevice


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